Persoonlijke verhalen - Personal stories
MAJOR - BARFIELD, William Edward - Commanding Officer 326 AMC (AUG 1942 - 28 Dec 1944)
CAPTAIN - MCKEE, Willis Payne - Commanding Officer 3rd Platoon / Company S-3
Andere - Other
Battledetective : 326 AMC Monument Belgium
Warfare History Network : Capture of 326 AMC Belgium (Patrick J. Chaisson)
Radio broadcast BBC 03 Jan 45 : General McAuliffe & Defense of Bastogne
Bombing of the medical station at Chateau de Colombiere, Hiesvielle, France.
Bombing of the medical station at Dommelmannweg, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Capture of the 326th Airborne Medical Company at Crossroads X.