9781500 Splint Set
Waarvoor dient het?
De "Splint Set, Complete" voorziet in een basisset die te gebruiken is bij het spalken van breuken aan de ledematen. Dit kan op verschillende manieren gebeuren door gebruik te maken van houten plaatjes, metaaldraad spalken alsook tractie spalken voor de benen.
What is it used for?
The "Splint Set, Complete" provides a basic set that can be used for splinting fractures of the limbs. This can be done in different ways by using wooden plates, metal wire splints as well as traction splints for the legs.
Uitzicht Canvas Set - Exterior view of canvas bag
Aanzicht Geopende Set - Open View
Item No. | Description | Amount | Extra information |
9782000 | Case, Splint Set, Empty | 1 | |
3738600 | Splint, Basswood, 10 | 1 | |
3743900 | Splint, Litter Bar | 6 | |
3745500 | Splint Strap | 6 | |
3748000 | Splint, Thomas, Arm, Hinged | 6 | |
3750000 | Splint, Army, Leg, Half-Ring | 6 | |
3751700 | Splint, Support and Foot Rest, Improved | 6 | |
3754000 | Splint, Wire Ladder | 6 | |
7923000 | Strap and Buckle, 3 Feet | 6 | |
9204000 | Bandage, Triangular, Compressed, White | 36 |
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More information about "Splint Sets" visit the link below