Informatie / Information
WW2 US Medical Research Centre (Med-Dept)
Informatieve website aangaande US Army Medical Department tijdens WO2 door Ben Major en Alain Batens.
Informative website regarding US Army Medical Department during WW2 by Ben Major and Alain Batens.

Lokatie # 01 - Location #01
- National Personnel Records Center
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, Missouri, 63138
Phone : +13148010800
Lokatie # 02 - Location #02
- National Archives and Records Administration College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, Maryland, 20740
Phone : +18662726272
Databank van de National Archives.
Bevat informatie vanaf de American Civil War tot hedendaagse informatie.
Lokatie #01
- National Personnel Records Center
Documenten te doorzoeken :
Official Military Personnel File (IMPF)
Persoonlijk Personeelsdossier -
Individual Deceased Persons File (IDPF)
Persoon dossier overledene -
Morning Reports (MR)
Lokatie #02
- National Archives and Records Administration College Park
Documenten te doorzoeken :
After Action Reports (AAR) / Journals
Actieverslagen / Naslagwerk -
Histories / General Orders (GO)
Geschiedenis / Algemene orders - Photographs & Maps
Foto's & Kaarten
National Archives Database.
Contains information from the Civil War until current events.
Location #01
- National Personnel Records Center
Records kept here are :
Official Military Personnel File (IMPF)
Individual Deceased Persons File (IDPF)
Morning Reports (MR)
Location #02
- National Archives and Records Administration College Park
Records kept here are :
After Action Reports (AAR) / Journals
Histories / General Orders (GO)
- Photographs & Maps
Website met informatie over grafstenen en overledenen. Bevat ook soms informatie over familieleden en het verleden van de overledene.
Website containing information on tombstones and deceased. Also can contain information about familymembers or the past of the deceased.
Website waar je familiale stambomen en bijkomende persoonsinformatie op kan terugvinden. Combineert ook andere zoekmachines voor het zoeken en beheren van informatie.
Website where you can find family trees and additional personal information. Also combines other search engines for searching and managing information.
Deze website bied hun diensten aan voor het opzoeken van dossiers in de National Archives.
This website offers research capabilities at the National Archives.