Kit, Mortar Shell (60mm)

Tijdens Operatie Neptune kon je deze speciale kokers voor medisch materiaal veelvuldig terugvinden bij aankomende medische troepen bij het landen op het strand. De informatie die je hieronder kan terugvinden is gebaseerd op het materiaal dat de "4th Infantry Division" in deze containers bewaarde. Deze kokers zijn ook te zien op foto's van de 326th Airborne Medical Company, 101st Airborne Division.
During Operation Neptune, these special medical supply tubes were frequently found with arriving medical troops landing on the beach. The information below is based on the material that the "4th Infantry Division" stored in these containers. These tubes can also be seen in photos of the 326th Airborne Medical Company, 101st Airborne Division.
Product | Description | Amount |
Container, Mortar Shell 60mm, with Belt, Web, Enlisted Man attached as carrying strap | 1 | |
Large Carlisle Dressing | 3 | |
2030000 | Packet, First-Aid, Carlisle Model | 6 |
2021000 | Gauze, Plain, 36-Inch, 5-Yard Roll | 6 |
2003185 | Bandage, Gauze, Compressed, 3 In. x 4 Yds. | 7 |
2014000 | Cotton, Absorbent, Compressed, 1 oz | 3 Ounces |
9121100 | Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 5, 5-Gm Envelopes | 1 Box |
9115500 | Morphine Tartrate, 5 Tubes | 4 Boxes |
1608900 | Plasma, Normal Human, Dried, 250 cc | 1 Box |
9104000 | Tannic Acid Sulfadiazine Ointment | 1 Tube |
1462200 | Sulfadiazine TabletsSulfadiazine, 1,000 Tablets | 100 Tablets |