9778500 Packet, First-Aid, Parachute, Complete

Waarvoor dient het?

De Parachute, First-Aid was oorspronkelijk ontworpen voor de "US Army Air Force". Elke persoon die een parachute droeg (piloten en crew) kregen zo een Packet, First-Aid, Parachute. Hierdoor hadden ze indien ze uit hun vliegtuig moesten springen en hierbij gewond waren geraakt al direct enkele medische hulpmiddelen. 

What is it used for?

The Parachute, First-Aid was originally designed for the "US Army Air Force". Every person wearing a parachute (pilots and crew) was given a Packet, First-Aid, Parachute. This way, if they had to jump from their plane and were injured, they had some medical supplies immediately.

Buitenaanzicht - Exterior view  - Model 1

Buitenaanzicht - Exterior view  - Model 2

Inhoud - Contents



Item No. Description Amount Extra information
9778600 Packet, First-Aid, Parachute, Container 1 Model 1 or Model 2
9115700 Morphine Tartrate, 1 tube 1
9120400 Sulfadiazine, 8 tablets 1 Pkg.
9121100 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 5, 5-Gm envelopes 1 Envelope
9206100 Dressing, First-Aid, Small, Field Brown 1
9378000 Tourniquet, Field 1
Information leaflet 1