9321000 Basic Instrument Set (1942 model)
Waarvoor dient het?
De "Basic Instrument Set" in een canvas tas met 10 canvas sets die allerlei instrumenten en materiaal bevat voor een operatie te kunnen uitvoeren. Deze basis set kon afhankelijk van de nodige operatie worden aangevuld met extra sets voor specifieke operaties.
What is it used for?
The "Basic Instrument Set" in a canvas bag with 10 canvas inserts containing all kinds of instruments and material to perform an operation. This basic set could be supplemented with extra sets for specific operations, depending on the operation required.
Foto's & Inhoud
Photo's & Contents
Item No. | Description | Amount | Extra information |
9321200 | Basic Instrument Set (1942 model), Case, Empty | 1 | |
Canvas Insert | 10 | 10 different inserts |
Item No. | Description | Amount | Extra information |
3230000 | Forceps, Hemostatic, 6 1/4-inch, Straight, Rankin | 18 | Set 1 |
3234000 | Forceps, Hemostatic, 7 1/4-inch, Straight, Rochester-Ochsner | 18 | Set 2 |
Item No. | Description | Amount | Extra information |
3231000 | Forceps, Hemostatic, 6 1/4-inch, Curved, Rochester-Pean | 18 | Set 3 |
3235000 | Forceps, Hysterectomy, 8 1/2-inch, Curved, Pean | 6 | Set 4 |
3276000 | Forceps, Towel, 5 1/4-inch, Backhaus | 12 | Set 4 |
Item No. | Description | Amount | Extra information |
3228600 | Forceps, Gallstone, 8 1/2-inch, Curved, Rochester | 1 | Set 5 |
3237000 | Forceps, Intestinal, 9-inch, Curved, Doyen | 2 | Set 5 |
3238000 | Forceps, Intestinal, 9-inch, Straight, Doyen | 2 | Set 5 |
3243000 | Forceps, Kidney, 9-inch, Curved, Stille | 2 | Set 5 |
3267000 | Forceps, Sponge, 9 1/2-inch, Straight, Foerster | 6 | Set 5 |
3485000 | Scoop, Gallstone | 1 | Set 5 |
3336500 | Knife, Operating, Handle No. 3 | 2 | Set 6 |
3336900 | Knife, Operating, Blade No. 10, 6 | 10 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3337300 | Knife, Operating, Blade No. 15, 6 | 20 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3337700 | Knife, Operating, Handle No. 4 | 4 | Set 6 |
3338100 | Knife, Operating, Blade No. 20, 6 | 40 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3338500 | Knife, Operating, Blade No. 21, 6 | 40 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3356000 | Needle, Aneurism, Cooper | 1 | Set 6 |
3362300 | Needle, Abdominal, 1 3/4-inch, Straight, 6 | 6 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3362400 | Needle, Abdominal, 2 7/8-inch, Straight, 6 | 6 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3363100 | Needle, Catgut, Size 2, Half-circle, 6 | 10 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3364100 | Needle, Catgut, Size 4, Half-circle, 6 | 10 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3379600 | Needle, Intestinal, Size 3, Half-circle, 6 | 3 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3380700 | Needle, Intestinal, Size 4, Half-circle, Fine, 6 | 3 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3382100 | Needle, Intestinal, 1 3/4-inch, Straight, 6 | 3 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3386500 | Needle, Skin Suture, 2 1/2-inch, 3/8-circle, 6 | 1 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3393100 | Needle, Surgeon's Regular, Size 4, 3/8-circle, 6 | 6 Pkg. | Set 6 |
3720000 | Razor, Safety | 1 | Set 6 |
3721000 | Razor, Safety, Blades | 2 Pkg. | Set 6 |
Item No. | Description | Amount | Extra information |
3218600 | Forceps, Cystic duct, 7 1/2-inch, Curved, Shallcross | 2 | Set 7 |
3238500 | Forceps, Intestinal, 7 1/2-inch, Straight, Judd-Allis | 4 | Set 7 |
3296700 | Holder, Needle, 7 1/2-inch, Hegar-Mayo | 3 | Set 7 |
3468000 | Scissors, Bandage | 2 | Set 7 |
3469500 | Scissors, Dissecting, 6 3/4-inch, Curved | 2 | Set 7 |
3470500 | Scissors, Dissecting, 6 3/4-inch, Straight | 2 | Set 7 |
3472000 | Scissors, Operating, 6 1/2-inch, Straight, Double-blunt | 2 | Set 7 |
3129500 | Clamp, Pylorus, 8-inch | 1 | Set 8 |
3142000 | Curette, Mastoid, Size 3, Buck | 1 | Set 8 |
3221000 | Forceps, Dressing, 10-inch, Straight | 1 | Set 8 |
3269500 | Forceps, Tissue, Spring, 4 1/2-inch, Straight | 2 | Set 8 |
3270000 | Forceps, Tissue, Spring, 5 1/2-inch, Straight | 4 | Set 8 |
3271200 | Forceps, Tissue, 10-inch, Straight | 1 | Set 8 |
3441000 | Retractor, Abdominal, Double-ended | 1 Pair | Set 8 |
3453000 | Retractor, Tissue | 2 | Set 8 |
3454000 | Retractor, Tissue, Nested | 1 Pair | Set 8 |
Item No. | Description | Amount | Extra information |
3443000 | Retractor, Abdominal, Self-Retaining | 1 | Set 9 |
3443400 | Retractor, Abdominal, Single-ended, 1 1/2 by 12 5/8-inch | 1 | Set 9 |
3443500 | Retractor, Abdominal, Single-ended, 1 1/2 by 12 5/8-inch | 1 | Set 9 |
3443600 | Retractor, Abdominal, Single-ended, 1 1/2 by 12 5/8-inch | 1 | Set 9 |
7807000 | Glass, Medicine | 2 | Set 9 |
9921500 | Cup, Enamelware | 3 | Set 9 |
3173500 | Director, Grooved, Round Point | 1 | Set 10 |
3229000 | Forceps, Hemostatic, Mosquito, 5-inch, Straight, Halstead | 6 | Set 10 |
3271000 | Forceps, Tissue, Straight, Allis | 6 | Set 10 |
3424000 | Probe | 1 | Set 10 |
3426000 | Probe, Bullet | 2 | Set 10 |
3547000 | Trocar, Gall Bladder | 1 | Set 10 |
3547700 | Tube, Abdominal Suction | 1 | Set 10 |
3878000 | Tubing, Rubber, 1/4-inch inside diameter, 1/16-inch wall | 8 Feet | Set 10 |
Supplemental Instrument Sets
Lijst van
List of
Item No. | Description | Extra information |
9325000 | Supplemental Instrument Set, Chest Injuries, Complete (1942 model) | 40 |
9327000 | Supplemental Instrument Set, Ear, Nose and Throat Injuries (1942 model) | 89 |
9329000 | Supplemental Instrument Set, Eye-injuries, Complete (1942 model) | 173 |
9331000 | Supplemental Instrument Set, Fractures & Amputations, Orthopedic (1942 model) | 236 |
9332000 | Supplemental Instrument Set, Genito-Urinary Injuries, Complete | 24 |
9333000 | Supplemental Instrument Set, Maxillo-Facial Injuries, Complete (1942 model) | 148 |
9333500 | Supplemental Instrument Set, Neuro-Surgical, Brain and Nerve Injuries, Complete (1942 model) | 675 |
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